Monday, September 1, 2008

Having trouble

I am totally having trouble understanding how I am feeling about VP candidate Palin. Do I believe in working mothers? HELL YES!! My goodness I am one. Am I having problems understanding how a new mother can have a baby and return to work just days after, especially a special needs child? YES!! What happens when my 17 year old daughter comes home and tells me she is pregnant? Do I run for the second highest office in the land? A job that one day I could be thrown into the highest position in the land. I don't know. Do I tell her that as long as she marries the father it is ok? HELL NO!!! Do I support whatever decision she makes? YES!!! My goodness, I have been a supportor of women's rights my entire life, but I cannot understand these decisions. Help me understand why I have lost respect for this woman and I have only known about her since Friday.

Being a life long Democrat, a teacher, and mother, I am feeling this woman doesn't have family values I need to respect....

Wait, look who her running mate is. I man who believes in the traditional family. A man who believes my family shouldn't exist because I adopted as a single parent. A man who asks a woman to marry him before he is divorced from his first wife. A man whose campaign is asking for privacy for his running mates family but thought it was ok to personally attack Chelsea Clinton several times in the past....



Stacy said...

Totally in agreement. Posting about this same thing :-)

Green tea said...

I so agree with you Mary, it is women like Palin that will set us back another 100 years.
If she really felt strong about family values she wouldn't be putting her daughter through this circus.

I hope th American people see through this charade..

Connie in FL said...

I agree as well... something is just not right here. It seems to me McCain picked her because she is a woman and because Barack did not choose a woman. jmho

Beth in MN said...

My friends and I have a saying, "Ladies against women."


Green tea said...

Well Hon, what did you think
of the Pit bull with lipstick on tonight?

Pat or Patti! said...

Yes, Mary, it's confusing! :) I was mesmerized by Palin's speech last night. On one level, it's great to see a woman on par with any man in terms of ability to "fight back." But, ultimately, I sure don't want leadership from a woman so mean-spirited. I hardly heard a word from her about what Americans need....

Beth in MN said...

Of course not, Pat! That's because the RNC is all about what can I get government to do for ME rather than want should government do for US.

sttropezbutler said...

Yes my dear...sad times...but we can rally, we can win, we have to win and even though I sit and type these words and I listen to that man in the background...yeah...I'm scared. Very scared. We must have change.

Real change.


Dr. Deb said...

I have no issue with how I feel. I don't think she is a viable candidate. A great woman, yes. A smart woman, yes. A VP and possible president, no.

Hope I don't offend anyone here. I rarely express my polical opinions outwardly.