Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I Love Summer....

We are having a wonderful summer. We started out attending an India Culture Camp in St Paul and it has only been getting better. Kiran, for the first time, really enjoyed camp and being with families that looked like ours. These are two photos of Kiran at camp.

We went up to the Iron Range for the 4th of July. It was the first time we have ventured up north in a very long while. It was wonderful hang out and see family again. Not to mention being by Lake Vermilion and just enjoying the view.

This past Sunday, my three SILs and 4 nieces, were off to Milwaukee (a five and half hour drive). We attended Summerfest with the main attraction being those cute, wonderful, young men, The Jonas Brothers. I have never experienced anything quite like it before. There where 26,000 people there. I bet 20,000 of them were under the age of 20. The girls were screaming for almost three hours. The Brothers put on one heck of a show. It was worth the drive to see the looks of my daughter and nieces when those boys came on stage and the entire time that they sang.

We finished our last soccer game tonight and start dance next week. In the mean time, we are on the hunt for a dog. Kiran wants a dog so badly so we are looking for a cute little small dog that fit in with the family.
I hope all is well with everyone of my friends.....


Green tea said...

Kiran is turning into a beautiful young lady.
Soon your fun will begin..LOL
Isn't it nice to go back to your roots for these special holidays?
I had hoped by this time in my life we would be retired and moved back to our home town..but Hubba isn't the retiring type, so looks like we are stuck for now..
Enjoy the rest of your vacation..

Clandestine said...

It's great to hear from you and see what you're up to! I'm glad you're having a fun summer, too! :)

sttropezbutler said...

LOL I sorta love summer, but hey I'm in Houston! Cheers my dear!


Dr. Deb said...

She is growing up so fast!!!!

What a beauty.

taza said...

nice to hear from you, Mary! how is your dad doing?
Kiran is really shooting up. nice that she had fun in camp and got to see other similar families. my son used to fret about his family situation until he saw others in the same kind.
don't you DARE support McCain, even in jest! :p